Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Offering Substance Abuse Help During Let Freedom Ring All American Tribute in Destin FL

Destin, Florida is celebrating patriotism and Americana all summer long with the Let Freedom Ring All-American Tribute, which is held every Thursday in the Destin harbor. It is an all-American celebration including live music, a vintage air show and fireworks. While this might be a great time and place for Destin residents to celebrate our nation’s freedoms, it is also a major source of temptation for those in recovery from drug or alcohol addictions. Festivities and parties are common this time of year, but the prevalence of alcohol can make them especially challenging and uncomfortable for those trying to abstain.

Watching friends and family drink or use without impunity can be incredibly tempting, especially for those new to sobriety. Even those individuals who have been sober for a long time can be easily caught off guard if they don’t take precautions to care for themselves and to utilize their recovery program. Wanting to fit in and partake in the festivities is normal for anyone, but substance abusers are particularly susceptible to relapse during times like these. For those just beginning to implement the internal changes needed to maintain sobriety, social pressures to “celebrate” can lead to relapse if they are not careful.


Triggers are social, emotional or environmental situations that remind those in recovery of past situations of drug or alcohol abuse. Social cues often instigate addictive urges that lead to relapse. While triggers do not force a person to use drugs or alcohol, they dramatically increase the likelihood of doing so. Long term drug or alcohol use forges associations in the brain between daily routines and drug experiences. When these routines and experiences are cued, individuals may suffer uncontrollable drug and alcohol cravings. These internal reflexes can even trigger those who have abstained from substances for a long time to relapse.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that 40-60% of individuals treated for substance abuse will relapse. Celebratory events with alcohol-centered festivities like the Let Freedom Ring Tribute can act as an external trigger for those in recovery. Individuals in recovery should develop a plan of action to avoid triggers that can prompt a relapse. They should also be prepared to fight urges and cravings during situations like these. Avoiding celebrations like these may be difficult, especially if friends and family are participating, but avoidance may be necessary for those new to a sober lifestyle.

Blu by the Sea Can Help

Staying in touch with your treatment and recovery program can be a great way to avoid relapse. Calling one or two other people in recovery every day can make all the difference in maintaining your sobriety. Make verbal commitments to other recovering individuals to call each other if things get uncomfortable or tempting for an added pillar of support. You can also make plans for an exit strategy from events and parties if drug or alcohol use gets too difficult to resist.

Blu by the Sea is a Destin rehab facility, offering drug and alcohol abuse support to members in our community. If you or a loved one are concerned about staying committed to a sober lifestyle this summer during the Let Freedom Ring celebrations, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to engage and support those who are in recovery and working to maintain a sober lifestyle. Call Blu by the Sea today, located in Destin, Florida, for more information about our drug and alcohol treatment programs.

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