April is alcohol awareness month. Maybe every month should be. At least once per year we should focus on the dangers and health-risks of alcohol and not the “good times” of just drinking. For most adults it is a casual non-frequent event that may be mostly harmless, but too many Americans are under its influence and it has become a major health concern.
Here are some statistics about which you should be aware –
1. Nearly 100,000 Americans die every year from excessive drinking.
In addition, another 100,000 die from alcohol-related causes.
More than half of the people treated for substance abuse are treated for alcoholism.
About 7,000 US children under age 16 take their first drink EVERY DAY.
Teen alcohol abuse kills nearly 5,000 Americans every year.
It’s good to know the facts. Have you or someone in your family been under the influence of this drug long enough? It may be time, during alcohol awareness month to seek help. Call Florida alcohol treatment center Blu By the Sea as soon as possible. Arrange a visit to this extraordinary facility in Destin, FL on the Gulf of Mexico at (850) 424-3252.