Hey, I only drink on occasion. What’s the occasion? Oh, days ending in the letter “Y”. You can make all of the jokes that you want,
but it is 2017 now and time for the most important decisions of your
lifetime. How often do you or a loved
one drink alcohol? It doesn’t matter if
your personality is only slightly effected.
Try telling that to your liver.
The difference between abuse and addiction is razor
thin. When that line is crossed there is
only one answer…HELP. Addiction means
psychological as well as physical dependency.
Your body and your mind craves alcohol every day. Then comes the tolerance that gives you a
false sense of security.
Let this be the year that you or someone you know tackle
this green-eyed monster. In Florida on
the breathtaking Gulf Coast you have the opportunity to fight the ravages of
alcohol abuse. It is called Blu By The
Sea. We are an alcohol rehabilitation
center on Florida’s panhandle. Please
visit our website at www.blubythesea.com and view the details of our facility
located in Destin Florida. Please call
today at (850) 424-3252.