Monday, July 18, 2016

Prescription Painkillers and Older Americans.

Earlier this month we discussed the growing epidemic of prescription painkillers in the US.  At the time we focused on the younger generation.  What about mom and dad?  They are the growing number of senior citizens who are misusing prescribed pain killing medications.  About 20 years ago doctors started concentrating some of their treatment on the level of pain a patient was experiencing. 

Now, in the middle of the second decade of the 21st century the number of opioid-based pain medication deaths among Americans over 50 has increased over 10 times from what it was at the turn of the century!  There are precautions that you can take when a loved one over 50 is abusing these drugs.  Is he or she using more than one doctor or pharmacy?  Are you seeing signs of addiction?  Ask them about which pills and the amount that they are taking.

These steps and many more help in the fight to keep mom and dad around for many years to come.  Blu By The Sea is a prescription drug rehabilitation center located on the breath-taking shores of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida’s panhandle.  See if your beloved senior might benefit from our facility.   Visit  Give us a call today at (850) 424-3252.

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Dangers of Prescription Painkillers.

The death of music icon Prince has brought this issue to the forefront again.  America has a painkiller misuse epidemic.  According to the most recent available statistics, more than five million Americans abused prescription drugs.  Just take the category of high school seniors.  The most common abused drug after marijuana was some type of medically prescribed prescription painkiller.

What is the target for this type of abuse?  Well, nearly two-thirds of Americans going into treatment for painkiller addiction were between the ages of 12 and 30.  The number may be higher in that these statistics only include publically funded treatment programs.  As you can see our country’s future is at stake here!

We want to be a part of the healing.  The time is now to nip this problem in the bud.  Blu By The Sea is a prescription drug rehabilitation center located on the beautiful shores of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida’s panhandle.  Please take some time and browse our website at and make a summer visit to our facility located in Destin Florida.  Give us a call today at (850) 424-3252.