There is no room for tolerance here. Alcoholism is real and it has gripped our
great country since the founding fathers.
Some people may be able to just “cut down”, but when this disease grips
you or a loved one self-discipline is probably not effective. If your health is good otherwise, your
chances for a full recovery are excellent.
When you or someone you care about seeks the proper
treatment national statistics have shown that about one-third of patients show
no relapse or symptoms at 1 year. Many
more report fewer alcohol-related social and health problems by cutting down
alcohol intake. There are so many
reasons for alcoholism…no support, peer pressure, and simply zero motivation.
Make no mistake about it…your life will improve dramatically
when you stop drinking to excess!
Recently you may have heard about rehabilitation centers in southern
Florida that are under investigation. We
are NOT one of them. We are Blu By the
Sea located on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Our reputation for helping alcoholics is
known nationwide. Please give us a call
today at (850) 424-3252.