Thursday, September 15, 2016

What is Holistic Treatment?

Holistic medicine is a buzz term we hear about often.  So what is it exactly?  Holistic is defined as focusing on the “whole person” not just the specific malady that troubles them.  This type of treatment goes back to ancient Greece so it is hardly a new and radical concept.  Under the broad heading of holistic are included homeopathy, naturopathy, and hydrotherapy.

Some suggest that a spiritual element should be included in holistic treatment.  How does it differ from alternative medicine?  The main element is that this approach is not NECESSARILY the primary focus.  The signs that any medical treatment is needed are as simple as pain itself.  Holistic does not have to mean an alternative to medicine, but rather a different approach toward the same goal…healing!

The first step is determining if a holistic approach is right for you or a loved one.  We want you to research Blu By The Sea, a holistic rehabilitation center located on the beautiful shores of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida’s panhandle.  We may have the type of treatment that you’re looking for. Visit  Give us a call today at (850) 424-3252.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

Earlier we examined the effects of drug abuse on your most important organ.  How does excessive alcohol consumption affect your body’s control center?  Obviously the brain controls all five of your senses in addition to your breathing.  It is all part of the central nervous system comprised of billions of cells and neurons.

Alcohol serves as a depressant for the CNS.  There are several warning factors that the brain is slowing down.  Among them are –

1.  Altered speech patterns
2.  Slower reaction times
3.  Confused thinking and rationalization
4.  Muscles weakening noticeably…not just with age.
5.  Difficulty remembering things and more.

Have you or a loved one reached the point where you feel that alcohol has negatively altered your life?  Step one is recognizing the problem.  Blu By The Sea is an alcohol rehabilitation center located on the beautiful shores of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida’s panhandle.  We may have the answers you’re looking for. Visit  Give us a call today at (850) 424-3252.